Kundalini Meditations

In yoga meditation is viewed as the ability to concentrate, unwavering, on a task.
Meditation goes beyond just quietening the mind. Meditation is about coming into a stillness. To be still long enough that you connect with something a lot deeper within yourself. In the activity of doing, feeling and thinking it is impossible to connect with this deeper aspect. This aspect is the soul / higher self. It is who we truly are. It is our essence.
With further practice of meditation we are able to hold this stillness long enough to bring awareness to our connection with a universal consciousness and we can then find great wisdom in the truth of the world.
In Kundalini Yoga we view meditation as an action that will bring profound change to our energy and therefore come to this space of stillness and deeper connection.
Meditations can be done with breath, visualization, movement or mantra. Anything that will raise the frequency to go beyond the false illusion of the perceived reality we find ourselves in.
In Kundalini Yoga meditation is divided into meditations that work with Mantra and those that work without Mantra.

List of Kundalini Yoga Meditations:

Below is a list of Kundalini yoga meditations.
Chose one and practice it for a few consecutive days to feel the benefits and changes.

For full experience, embodiment and wisdom that comes from practicing a Kundalini yoga meditation it is recommended to practice it everyday for 40 consecutive days.

Meditations without mantra:

Meditations with mantra:

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