Class Videos

About the recorded Kundalini Yoga Classes

  • Classes are designed with a specific topic, purpose or experience.
  • They are 75 – 90 minutes in length.
  • There are 2 classes in each set. This gives fuller experience on the specific topic and a deeper practice.
  • Each class begins with Nicola Sita Amrit Kaur giving an introduction of information to deepen the understanding of the topic as well as guidance as to what is expected in the class.
  • The classes follow a sequence of warm up or pranayama (or both), followed by the main kriya set, meditation, pranayama (or combinations of these in different orders). Ending with relaxation.
  • Each class will use intention, mantra, mudra, breathwork, asana, and meditation.
  • The classes have been filmed in such a way as to give it a live class feel.

10 Steps on how to work with your Kundalini Yoga Classes

  1. Chose the class set you would like to work with. See below for the classes on offer.
  2. Once you have decided on the class, click the button to purchase it. Once payment is made, it will be sent to you via e-mail.
  3. Set up your yoga / sadhana space. Read here about how to set up your space on the blog on Sadhana.
  4. Have all your items you will need in your sadhana space: a yoga mat (or soft surface to work on), a cushion, yoga block, shawl, water to drink, etc.
  5. Wear light, comfortable clothing that you can move easily in.
  6. Set aside 90 minutes where you will not be disturbed. Switch off your phone, put the dog out and let your family know you will be practicing your Kundalini Yoga for the next 90 minutes.
  7. Follow along with the video as it is laid out. This is very important as the class is designed in a very specific way for a specific outcome. 
  8. Adapt as needed: You know your body and ability the best, so if you need to slightly adjust a movement to cater for an injury or medical condition then do so.  If you cannot do a particular posture or movement then sit quietly and do the breathing practice that comes along with the movement, but don’t skip the exercise. If you get tiered in a movement, take a short breather for a few seconds and then continue with the movement.
  9. Don’t skip the resting part (savasana) at the end of the class. This is a key element in the class where rest, integration and absorption take place. If you feel you need more rest then lay down for a further 5 to 10 minutes once the class has ended.
  10. After the class: drink plenty of water, eat high vibrational foods and be aware of the changes you experience in your life!!

What the levels mean?


Easy on the physical body. Good for a newbie to Kundalini Yoga. Working on only one or two elements at a time.


A bit of Kundalini Yoga experience is needed. Intermediate also means the class would either be a bit more challenging on the physical body OR there are a multiple number of elements to work on simultaneously.


You would need an understanding of the 10 bodies, the 3 functional minds, the concept of kundalini yoga and the chakras as the class concepts and experiences are of a higher frequency and awareness. Advanced physical movements with multiple elements being worked on simultaneously.

Your Kundalini Yoga Classes

Mental and Emotional Balance - 2 Classes

These two classes work on reducing stress, bringing energy back to the adrenal glands, releasing tension from the body, releasing toxins from the body and creating a sense of ease and calmness.

Class 1: 1hr 20min

Class 2: 1hr 30min

Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Cost for both: £15

Enhance Creativity - 2 Classes

Class 1: 1hr 15min

Class 2: 1hr 33min

Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Cost for both classes: £15

When we are living for survival or in fear, creativity does not exist. When we feel limited, coerced, conned and restricted, we live small. When we live in false limited expectations and with false labels we are disconnected from our spirit.

These classes open up the channels to our  higher self, bringing the joy and expression required to tap into our own unlimited source of creativity.

Strengthen the Meditative Mind - 2 Classes

With an untrained mind, we are subjected to the ebbs and flow of our external world, our primitive survival mechanism and our subconscious old patterns. Through a strengthen, trained meditative mind we can control our thoughts, projections, attitudes and entire being. A strong meditative mind synchronizes with the web of  quantum energy for deep wisdom and universal connection.

Class 1: 1hr 28min

Class 2: 1hr 25min

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Cost for both classes: £15

Loving Kind Heart - 2 Classes

Class 1: 1hr 16min

Class 2: 1hr 18min

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Cost for both classes: £15

We may have built walls around our heart to protect, not to feel and to not get hurt. By doing this we close ourselves off from truly experiencing the joys of life, fully experiencing love, kindness and compassion for ourselves or others.

These classes help break down those walls, open and expand the heart to fully feel love and kindness.

Stress Relief - 2 Classes

Watch this taster of the 2 classes

These 2 classes work on reducing stress by bringing energy to the adrenal glands. These are the main organs that are involved in our  ability to cope with stress.

These classes work on releasing toxins and tension from our body, so that we can have more ease within our system to release from stress.


Class 1: 1hr 21min

Class 2: 1hr 22min

Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Cost for both classes: £15

Strengthen Your Intuition - 2 Classes

Class 1: 1hr 21min

Class 2: 1hr 22min

Level: Intermediate

Cost for both classes: £15

In these classes we wake up and switch on our intuition.

We achieve this  through stimulating the Pineal and Pituitary glands, by connecting to and opening up the heart, and by expanding our capacity for awareness.

Watch this taster of the 2 classes

Grounding and Protection - 2 Classes

Watch this taster of the 2 classes

2 Classes on grounding, centering, creating a sense of stability and security, while at the same time working on protection.

Grounding and protection is imperative in this day and age as we are constantly bombarded by external energy, influences and and frequencies.

Class 1: 1hr 23min

Class 2: 1hr 27min

Level: Beginner to Intermediate

Cost for both classes: £15

Improve Communication - 2 Classes

Class 1: 1hr 25min

Class 2: 1hr 17min

Level: Intermediate

Cost for both classes: £15

Are you able to express your authentic true self. Do you over talk, shout a lot, speak too soft, too loud, or struggle to voice yourself? If so your throat chakra may be out of balance

In these 2 classes we work on balancing the energy of our throat chaktra for improving communication

Watch this taster of the 2 classes

Check out the latest video class set here:

Life Success - 2 Classes

Watch this taster of the 2 classes

Success in life is not just about accumulating material wealth, but rather about discovering and achieving one’s true purpose, striking a healthy balance in all aspects of life, and finding deep and lasting fulfillment in everything we do.

These 2 classes will direct your energy into a vibration of clarity, drive and deeper self connection for success.

Class 1: 1hr 21min

Class 2: 1hr 15min

Level: Beginner to Intermediate

New video discount for both classes: £10

More Videos

Look forward to the following classes coming soon......

Want to work with me personally?

Private Kundalini Yoga

Private Breathwork Sessions

Spiritual Life Coaching

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