Removing fear of the future

At the base of every ‘negative’ emotion is fear. So here is a Meditation you can practice for fear.

Removing Fear Of  The Future Meditation.

When we feel fear of the future, it is actually not the future we are fearful of, as the future is unknown and contains all possibilities (good and bad). The fear we feel comes from our old patterning and the subconscious memories of the past which gets projected into our perception of the future.

This meditation removes the emotion of fear. It does this by bringing you to your heart and into the present moment where you connect with the part of yourself that is infinite.
Being present at the heart makes you realise that everything is ok.

How to do it:

1. Sit in a comfortable position with the spine straight.

2. Place the back of the left hand into the palm of the right. The right thumb resting in the palm of the left and the left thumb crosses over the right thumb. The right fingers curls around the side of the left hand. Left fingers stay stretched.

3. Hold this hand mudra at heart height.

4. Eyes closed.

5. Breathe gently, slowly and deeply through the nose.

6. Focus on the area of the heart while listening to your favourite Mantra OR favourite chant OR Listen to the mantra: ‘Dhan, Dhan, Ram Das Guru’.

Do this for 5 up to 31 minutes.
When you are finished take 3 deep breaths.

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