In Kundalini Yoga the human (being) is seen as having 10 Bodies.
 Most of us are aware of the physical body and the mind, but possibly not the rest.

We have a physical body, 3 mental bodies ad 6 energy bodies.

The 10 Bodies are:
1st: Soul Body

2nd: Negative Mind

3rd: Positive Mind
4th: Neutral Mind

5th: Physical Body

6th: Arcline

7th: Aura

8th: Pranic Body
9th: Subtle Body

10th: Radiant Body

The Ten Bodies are powerful capacities of the psyche. They All integrate as vibrational sheaths of energy that affect the other bodies.
Each body has its own electromagnetic field. Each body can be strong, weak or any degree in-between. When a body is strong it means the energetic frequency and functionality is healthy and vibrant and specific gifts associated with that body will manifest. Conversely if a body is weak then illness, dis-ease, disconnect and deficit tendencies show up.

Read further for more details on each body:

1st Body: Soul Body

This is your soul.
This body connects you to Infinity, so therefore it’s the part that unites the Finite with the Infinite. In Kundalini Yoga practices the aim is for this unity – so we always aiming to connect with our soul body.

When the soul body is strong you live from your heart and by your heart. You don’t live from your Ego or your mind. Because it is associated with the heart energy, when your Soul Body is strong, you feel deep humility, compassion, love and trust.
There is a sense of expansion when you live by the Soul Body.
You come from a space of creativity.

When weak you live from your head or Ego only. You life is small, limited, predictable, and you feel stuck. No creative or expansion is experienced.

2nd Body: Negative Mind

The Negative Mind is here to keep you safe and create your boundaries. It is constantly scanning your internal and external environments to make sure you don’t come into any harm.

When strong and healthy it gives you containment and obedience to your soul and your inner guidance. It creates health boundaries. It creates an internal sense of safety and security.

When weak you will see everything as as threat and live from a space of fear, you will lower anywise everything and see it as being negative. Due to this you will act out in ways that create self-sabotage and self-destructive behaviours.

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3rd Body: Positive Mind

The Positive mind sees the positive in all situations and allows for expansion, abundance, and openness to all possibilities. It is playful and optimistic. It gives you motivation and a strong will to move forward in whatever you are focusing on.

When it is weak, you have no boundaries and therefore can make dangerous or irrational decisions.

When weak the Negative Mind takes over which creates depression, paralysis, anger, intolerance and a limited view on life.

4th Body: Neutral Mind

The Neutral Mind is the meditative mind. It is that space of stillness. It is the space between the Negative and Positive Mind. It sees things in a win-win-win situation by observing both the qualities of the Negative and Positive Minds.
Just like the Soul Body, it is connected to the quilters of the heart and therefore when it is strong, and the heart energy is strong, you have powerful intuitive capabilities.

When weak you will have a hard time making decisions as you will be bouncing between the polarities of the Negative and Positive Minds without realising that there are many other options. So it goes without saying, that when the Neutral Mind is weak there is a lot of confusion and disharmony in the mind.

5th Body: Physical Body

The Physical Body is the house/ temple where all the other 9 Bodies are anchored. It is where we experience the 10 Bodies and experience the ‘reality’ we find ourselves in. We experience the reality through our senses and awareness. Because everything is housed in the Physical Body, it is a great teacher.
This is why we have to physically participate in Kriyas / Meditations / Pranayamas / Asanas as it is through experiencing on the Physical level that we start to understand how all the other bodies play out and how we belong and interact in the world.

When weak your inner and outer realities will be out of balance. You will experience depleting emotions and have trouble expressing yourself. You will have dis-ease, illness and physical conditions.

6th Body: Arcline

The Arcline is locate around the head. It is represented as the ‘halo’, which can be seen in ancient art works of powerful spiritual beings. 
It is a high energetic space that relates to the brain and the higher chakras. Therefore it has to do with mental activities of concentration, thought, and determination. It links to intuition and meditation. It is associated with the pituitary gland, helps regulate the nervous system and the glandular system.
It is your projection, protection and radiance. It is the balance point between the physical realm and the cosmic realms.

When weak you are easily influenced by others and society. You pick up on other people’s emotions and make them your own without even knowing you have done this. Your pituitary gland will be out of balance and this leads to mood swings and inconsistency in your behaviour and thinking. You will struggle to meditate and have no connection with your intuition. You will experience confusion and feel unfocused.

Private Sessions

Quick Shift Express Package

4 x 75 minutes sessions (and includes an initial consultation.) Sessions to be completed within 2 weeks.

This package is for:

  • Those new to Kundalini Yoga wanting a basic understanding and experience of Kundalini Yoga.
  • Those new to energy, spirituality, and embodiment practices who want to experience this through the technology of Kundalini Yoga
  • Those needing to jump start their spiritual journney
  • Those who have a specific spiritual goal / life goal and need quick, effective guidance in working towards this goal.
  • Those who have a blockage that is preventing them from being the best version of themselves.
  • New Kundalini Yoga teachers needing guidance in their journey as a teacher

Deep Journey Package

8 x 75 minutes sessions (and includes an initial consultation) Sessions to be completed within 2 months.

This package is for:

  • Those who want to create a routine of weekly / daily spiritual practice
  • Need accountability, motivation and guidance along their Yoga / Spiritual journey
  • Want to work deep into their process of releasing old patterns, programs and habits
  • Those who want to work deeper into their spiritual journey
  • Those wanting to dive deeper into the technology of Kundalini Yoga

7th Body: Aura

The Aura is the Electromagnetic Field that surround the bodies. It is there for protection from all sorts of things like bacteria, viruses, environmental components, pollution, and other people’s thoughts and emotions.
It is our projection where our actions, thoughts, feelings and sense of self sits and projects out from us to roughly 1.5 meters. This projection affects others and how they interact with us. This also affects how we see our ‘reality’ as that which we project out we also receive back. (The law of attraction).

When weak you may feel insecure, shy, or paranoid. When weak you are susceptible to getting all sorts of issues and effects from the elements, other people’s emotions, pollution, electromagnetic waves, and illnesses.

8th Body: Pranic Body

Prana is energy. So this is our energy body.
It is what keeps us alive. It includes all the Chakras and Nadis. It is our ability to take in Prana and transform it or use it for all the functions of the 10 Bodies.
Most illness / dis-ease start in the Pranic Body when it is weak.

When weak you will have constant low energy, feel anxious, unmotivated, chronic fatigue, burn out and feel fearful.

When strong you are self-motivated, feel confident and have lots of energy to get tasks done and to move forward in life.

9th Body: Subtle Body

This body allows you to sense the subtleties that are there. It’s like having a super power: you see beyond what is in front of you, hear subtle sounds that are usually untraceable, feel the slightness changes with inside your body and outside of your body, you have the ability to sense the energy in a room or space and know what is going on there, you know things without knowing how you know.

When strong you are calm as you know and understand the greater picture of things and see the intricate play of the universe in everything.
The Subtle Body in interconnected with the Soul Body. When you die only the Subtle and Soul Body state in tact and move on.

If weak you are easily fooled, manipulated and conned. You don’t understand what is really going on in the world and you just follow orders and trends. You may feel restless due to lack of peace as you doubt everything. You only experience the world through obvious or intense sensations. When this happens you create attachment for experiencing these intense sensations (or to avoid these sensations) and cannot be happy with just being.

10th Body: Radiant Body

The Radiant Body projects from your being outwards. It extends further out than the Electromagnetic Field. To this day the distance of how for it projects has not been concluded. It has been hypothesised that it extends up to 30 meters for your centre.

The Radiant Body gives you spiritual radiance and royalty. It gives you courage and a magnetic presence.
This body gives you motivation, optimism and drive to put in 110% in whatever you are doing. This creates success, because, just like the Aura, that projects out and therefore creates manifestation, the Radiant Body projects even further from the being therefore connects with more possibility and options in the field which then comes back to us as manifestation.

When weak you will be afraid of conflict, be shy, feel ineffective and move away from being noticed or getting attention from anyone else. You will play small, won’t take any risks and lead a dull boring life.

Article by Nicola (Sita Amrit Kaur)  March 2021

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