Weekend Retreat

The Body Speaks

A psychosomatic journey of connection to the self through the body

7 - 9 July 2023

Introduction to the retreat

We all orally speak a language like English, or Portuguese, to communicate our needs. The body is no different. It ‘speaks’ in the language of sensation, emotions and feelings. When things are in harmony with our lives we can feel this in the body as ease, connection and balance. When things are not in harmony, our body communicates to us often in an unpleasant way; as in pain, discomfort or affliction.

The sensations of the body are filled with information and wisdom, not only about the body but about all aspects of ourselves, that being; our programmes, our beliefs, our patterns, our values, our habits, our behavior, the way we think, the way our mind functions, the way we respond, the way we interact with others, the way we move, the way we are in the world.

It has been medically proven that there is a correlation between social, psychological and behavioral factors on the processes of the body and the quality of life. We call this ‘psychosomatics’.
Also Louise Hay ( the founder of Hay House Publications and the author of ‘Heal Your Body’ and ‘Your Can Heal Your Life’) is credited for starting the awareness of the behavioral-mind-body connection. Louise Hay was one of Nicola’s inspirations for wanting to learn more about the body-mind-behavioral connection.

Our body is also the biggest healing and recovery tool we have available to us. When we take a moment to connect with our body we become present, we become aware of what is really going on. Once we have this awareness we have choice. The choice may be to release the patterns and blocks or to work with them. The choice may be to change, transform or raise ourselves up. This is what this retreat is all about.

Retreat Focus

This retreat is composed of 3 sections:

Realize: In this first section we come to connect with our body. We look and feel into the body. We take time to observe the subtle signals of our body. We take time to decipher what information the body is trying to communicate with us and what is really going on. This section is a space of discovery. It is a space where we make the connection between what is showing up (manifesting) in the body and the possible attributes of our life have had on creating the body manifestation.

Release: In section 2 we bring release and ease to the body, mind and being. We release tightness, imbalance, blocks, and pain. We do this through postural adjustment, myo-fascial release, yoga, dance-movement and sound.

Reframe: In section 3 we practice befriending our body and working on accepting what is present. We start the process of a better symbiotic relationship with our bodies. This creates a new way to work with our bodies going forward which can create a new baseline for what health and harmony is for us.

Retreat Highlights

Pilates based postural realignment

Introduction to myo-fascial release

Dance – movement – sound therapy session

Energy based yoga session

Body acceptance process

Main Benefits

Deeper connection with our body

Deeper understanding of how our body ‘speaks’ to us

Begin to distinguish between body signals and mind signals

Learn correct posture and alignment for better functionality, energy and vitality

Learn self- applied fascia release techniques for improved mobility, flexibility, toxin release, energy and functionality

Space to express what the BODY wants to express through movement and sound

Physical and energetic release of tightness, tension and blocks from our body

Awareness of patterns, programs and old stories related to our body that can be reframed for the improved future functionality of our body

Practicing acceptance, appreciation and love for our body

Retreat Schedule

DAY 1 ( July, 7 2023)

14:00 Check in

17:00 Orientation tour and community guidlines

19:30 – 20:30 Welcome circle, introduction to the retreat

21:30 Rest and noble silence until 8:30AM next morning

DAY 2 (July 8, 2023)

07:00 – 07:30 Meditation

07:30 – 08:30 Breakfast in noble silence

08:30 – 09:00 Community morning gathering

09:30 -11:00 Realize: What is my body telling me? (theory and practical application)

11:00 – 11:30 Refreshment break

11:30 – 13:30 Realize part 2: What is my body telling me? (theory and practical application)

13:30 -14:30 Lunch

15:00 – 17:00 Release: Body alignment, fascia release and mobility session

18:00 – 19:00 Dinner (eat light for the dance)

19:15 – 20:30 Release: Dance- Movement – Sound Therapy

21:30 Rest and noble silence until 8:30am next morning

DAY 3 ( July 9, 2023)

07:30 -08:30 Breakfast in noble silence

08:30 – 11:00 Re-frame: Theory and practical with energy based Yoga session

11:00 – 11:30 Refreshment break

11:30 – 12:30 Body Love and acceptance practice

12:45 – 13:15 Closing Circle

13:30 – 14:30 Lunch

14:30 Check out

15:00 Shuttle departs


Pricing & Accomodation

Course instruction, private ensuite accommodation at our beautiful Serra da Estrela retreat centre, 3 balanced meals per day, and access to our wellness facilities are included with the fee.

Option A

Arrival – Friday, 7th of July (afternoon, before 4.00 pm)
Departure – Sunday, 9th of July (afternoon)

Single Occupancy

Standard room – € 730
Premium room –  € 790

Double Occupancy

Standard room – € 1212
Premium room –  € 1332

– Included –
> Weekend retreat
> Private ensuite accommodation at our beautiful Serra da Estrela retreat center
> 3 balanced meals per day
> Access to our outdoor heated swimming pool & Sauna
> Access to our gym
> Late check-out and lunch

– Not included –
> Transport costs (New Life Portugal available for booking)
> Extras services (Wellness menu)

click here to see room types.

Click here to book

Option B

Would you like to stay more nights with us to attend this retreat?
Contact New Life Portugal directly here

Retreat Instructor: Nicola

Nicola is our Wellness Professional at New Life Portugal. Her role here is working with the body through different movement disciplines as well as breath work and understanding of emotional regulation.

Nicola has been working with bodies for over 20 years:
-7 Of these years working in the addiction recovery and mental health wellness field as a fitness, wellness and holistic practitioner.
– Over 10 years experience in wellness and holistic in general.
– And over 20 years experience in the fitness sector.

Nicola has a deep understanding of how the body, mind, emotions, energy and soul connect and integrate together. She helps people access their inner wisdom through the body. She guides people on how to use the body for understanding, awareness, change and healing.

Nicola is a qualified Yoga teacher in: Hatha – Vinyasa Yoga, Yoga for kids, Yoga and Pregnancy, Kundalini Yoga and was a Yoga master trainer for HFPA (Health & Fitness Professional Association SA) for 200hr Yoga teacher training.

Nicola loves to dance and is a qualified Zumba instructor, Secret Sunrise Instructor and Barre Instructor. She has created her own Yoga – Dance form and has facilitated 5 Rhythms, Ecstatic Dance and Dance Movement Therapy.

Nicola is a qualified HeartMath Coach and Facilitator, Pilates instructor, Personal Trainer, Fitness Master Trainer, Reiki Practitioner and Masseuse.


With her extensive knowledge, passion and experience, Nicola created a body-work modality called: Body Orientation Therapy. She regularly offers 23-day transformational program journeys to the soul called: Finding Your True Self.

This retreat is a unique offering that extracts and blends some of her work from the Body Orientation Therapy and the Finding Your True Self Transformational Program.

Nicola’s mission is to help people deepen and expand their awareness of their true self, to wake up from the illusion and ‘stuckness’ of programmes and patterns into liberation, transformation and higher consciousness.

Additional information

What you need to bring / have for the retreat:

  • Loose clothing that you can exercise and move in
  • Supportive underwear
  • We will sweat in the dance session, so have a spare set of exercise clothes
  • Water bottle
  • 2 Pens
  • Note book / paper for notes
  • Swimming costume