2 Classes on Re-wire the Nervous System


When our Autonomic Nervous System it is faulty due to trauma, past experiences, unhealthy or illogical beliefs, memory, injury or stress; we experience a range of physical, physiological, emotional, hormonal and mental imbalances.

The subconscious mind governs the ANS, so when we clear the patterns of the subconscious mind, we re-wire the ANS, removing the old neural patterns (along with the symptoms) and creating new neural pathways.


Our nervous system is made up of the central nervous system (brain and spinal column), the peripheral nervous system ( nerves extending out from the central nervous system to the rest of the body) and the Autonomic Nervous System (parts of the central and peripheral nervous system relating to the automatic function of the body).

It is the Autonomic Nervous system (ANS) which is the ESSENTIAL ‘wiring’ of our nervous system and body. When it is faulty due to trauma, past experiences, unhealthy or illogical beliefs, memory, injury or stress; we experience a range of physical, physiological, emotional, hormonal and mental imbalances.

The subconscious mind governs the ANS, so when we clear the patterns of the subconscious mind, we re-wire the ANS, removing the old neural patterns (along with the symptoms) and creating new neural pathways.

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