2 Class Videos on Grounding and Protection


These 2 classes work on grounding, centering, creating a sense of stability and security, while at the same time protecting us.

Grounding and protection is imperative in this day and age as we are constantly bombarded by external energy, influences and and frequencies.


This class set works on creating stability, grounding and centering, while increasing internal energy to create inner self power and strength for deep felt inner protection.

The two sessions work on strengthening and balancing the Base Chakra as well as the whole physical body. When the base chakra and body and strong and balanced; the core of the body, and the core of your being, moves into a state of inner solidity and stability.  Once we have a state of inner solidity and stability we can deepen our sense of inner security and safety.  Working the base chakra also means we strengthen our sense of belonging within ourselves.


As far as protection is concerned, we need to protect ourselves on a multitude of levels. First from ourselves; our self-sabotaging behaviors, our limiting beliefs, and our unhealthy decisions we make when our energy is low or when we are weak. We need protection from other people’s beliefs, opinions, actions, words and energy. Finally we need protection from the environment – electromagnetic devices, harmful waves, harmful frequencies, pollution, chemicals, viruses and bacteria.

These two session work on all of this simultaneously.

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