2 Class Videos on Enhance Creativity


When we live in survival mode or live our lives based on fear, creativity does not exist. Instead our lives become controlled by the external situation we find ourselves in.

When we feel limited, coerced, conned or restricted, we diminish our light and live a small ‘manageable’ life….which does not foster the space for creativity.

When we live in false limited expectations and with false labels, that we have taken on from society, our culture and media, we are disconnected from our spirit. With no spirit we are just robots.

To break through limitations, fears and the disconnect from our spirit we have to shift our vibration and energy. This vibration and energy needs to be vibrating higher than the energy we find ourselves in. This higher energy then opens up our ability to feel and see possibilities and different ideas or ways…. which are part of creativity.

Creativity does not just mean art and expression, but it is our ability to think out of the box in day to day circumstances, it is the capacity to change our reality, it is the ability to manifest new exciting projects, adventures and desires.

These two classes open up the channels to ourĀ  higher self, bringing the joy and expression required to tap into our own unlimited source of creativity.


When we live in survival mode or live our lives based on fear, creativity does not exist. Instead our lives become controlled by the external situation we find ourselves in.

When we feel limited, coerced, conned or restricted, we diminish our light and live a small ‘manageable’ life….which does not foster the space for creativity.

When we live in false limited expectations and with false labels, that we have taken on from society, our culture and media, we are disconnected from our spirit. With no spirit we are just robots.

To break through limitations, fears and the disconnect from our spirit we have to shift our vibration and energy. This vibration and energy needs to be vibrating higher than the energy we find ourselves in. This higher energy then opens up our ability to feel and see possibilities and different ideas or ways…. which are part of creativity.

Creativity does not just mean art and expression, but it is our ability to think out of the box in day to day circumstances, it is the capacity to change our reality, it is the ability to manifest new exciting projects, adventures and desires.

These two classes open up the channels to ourĀ  higher self, bringing the joy and expression required to tap into our own unlimited source of creativity.

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