2 Class Videos on Energy Healing


Physical pain and discomfort is not always about an injury, an accident or a medical condition.

If we look deeper into pain and discomfort with openness and honesty, we will probably discover that our pain comes from our unhealthy beliefs, unhealthy view points, a mind that is out of control, or a mind that is over controlling. Our pain can come from our past, our trauma, internal conflict, stress and our inability to work with our emotions.

All of these internal attributes have one thing in common. That is Energy.

It is energy that is either blocked, or misdirected, on in excess.

We hold onto so many things knowingly, or unknowingly, that keep us in pain and suffering.

There is no time like NOW to heal. Heal you body, heal your pain, heal your past.

These classes tap into the highest form of Energy – the frequency of love. Using love and getting the energy channels to flow properly again we create deep inner healing for ourselves.

These classes taps into the highest from of Energy


Physical pain and discomfort is not always about an injury, an accident or a medical condition.

If we look deeper into pain and discomfort with openness and honesty, we will probably discover that our pain comes from our unhealthy beliefs, unhealthy view points, a mind that is out of control, or a mind that is over controlling. Our pain can come from our past, our trauma, internal conflict, stress and our inability to work with our emotions.

All of these internal attributes have one thing in common. That is Energy.

It is energy that is either blocked, or misdirected, on in excess.

We hold onto so many things knowingly, or unknowingly, that keep us in pain and suffering.

There is no time like NOW to heal. Heal you body, heal your pain, heal your past.

These classes tap into the highest form of Energy – the frequency of love. Using love and getting the energy channels to flow properly again we create deep inner healing for ourselves.

These classes taps into the highest from of Energy

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