Exploration of Breathwork


6 x 75 minute sessions. Sessions to be completed within 6 weeks.

Sessions are done online.

*For in person sessions please contact me.

Exploring advanced breathing techniques related to your specific needs. These may include: Intermittent Hypoxic Training, Trauma Release breath, Kundalini Breathwork, Conscious Breathing, Brain Wave Stimulation, etc.

* You need to complete the Breath to Vitality 5-session package before taking on this package


*You need to have a foundational experience in breathwork


Once you have a foundation on how to breath correctly, and have embodied basic breathing techniques, you can advance your experience with more advanced breath practices.

In this package we go deeper and look at your goals, needs and desires, then create a 6 – session package forĀ  you to experience and learn techniques that will move you closer to your desires and help remove the blockages from your life.

The 6-sessions will be tailored for your specific journey and may include: Intermittent Hypoxic Training, HeartMath techniques, Trauma Release breath, Kundalini Breathwork, Conscious Breathing, Brain Wave Stimulation, Somatic work, etc.


***Once purchase is made, I will email you personally to set up your sessions. Please make sure you add an email address where I will be able to reach you.

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