Food Vibration
As humans we like to eat. We like to taste food, cook food and we enjoy all the experiences around eating and food. We have also been bombarded for centuries with information about what is considered healthy, good, bad or harmful food. These seem to change all the time and can create confusion around food. This article is not here to bust myths or give you a new diet; it is written to look at food and drink in relation to frequency. The higher the frequency the more beneficial the food is for you.
Every single food has its own frequency.
It would take a lot of effort to memorise every food and their individual frequency, so here’s a quick cheat test you can do:
A great way to discern if the food you are eating has a high frequency or not is to notice its vitality level.
Vitality level questions:
Is it fresh?
– Is it alive?
– Is it bright in colour?
– Does it have a strong distinctive taste?
If you answer yes to all four questions then you are eating a food that has a high frequency.
Then ask:
– How high from the ground does it grow?
The higher the food grows from the ground the closer it is to the sun. The sun is the planet’s main source of Energy and Prana. So food that grows closest to it will generally be bursting with energy, vitality and life.
From these question you have probably guessed that fruit, vegetables and tree nuts have high frequencies.
We can put food into different frequency categories:
<0Hz – 0Hz
These foods harm us. They create toxins in the body and cause the physiological systems to slow down and break down. Because of this, cells can become denatured. A denatured cell is a cell that is dis-formed and does not function the way it is supposed to….this leads to disease, illness and health issues.
These foods lower our vibrations so we end up functioning at a primitive conscious level.
A person that eats only these foods is pretty miserable as their frequency and vitality is low. They live either in fear, hate, hopelessness, depression, anger and in a victimised mentality. Their behaviours are of that related to our Base Chakra – survival, and Sacral Chakra – pleasure. They feel life is hard and that nothing changes. They expect life to entertain them and other people to rescue them. They blame everyone and everything else for their misery. There is no higher capacity of love and enlightenment. They don’t even know that there is another way to be in the world. Their world is small and they believe that this is just the way it is.
5 – 15Hz
Energetically, these foods maintain the state we are currently in. The human body vibrates between 5 – 15Hz, so we maintain homeostasis when eating these foods. These foods have nutrients and minerals that are essential for our bodies to function optimally, but we need to add some high vibration frequency foods to our diet in order to raise our vibrations.
15 – 42Hz
These food are great for the body. They are high in anti-oxidants. They repair, heal and remove toxins. They speed up metabolism and keep the body healthy and vital. They vibrate higher than the body, so aid in raising our frequency and consciousness.
42 – 320 Hz
These foods are super fantastic. They effect all 10 bodies and aid in super charging us for higher immunity, high energy in the body, increased vitality and slowing the ageing process down. They help raise our vibration and in doing so raise our awareness and consciousness to very high levels.
A last note:
In Yoga the first Yamas (lifestyle behavior) that we follow is called Ahimsa which means: Non – harming.
This applies to not harming others physically, with our words, our actions and our thoughts. It also means non-harming ourselves. So we should not be eating foods that harm us. We should not be doing activities that harm us…. like smoking.
Ahimsa also refers to harming beings. This means we don’t eat meat as the animal was harmed.
Blog by: Nicola (Sita Amrit Kaur) June 2021. Edited April 2022
Previous blog 3 of 5 Raising Frequency (Power of Sound)
Next blog 5 of 5 Raising Frequency ( Yogic Daily Cleansing Practices)
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